P2 : Second year of the First cycle of Dental studies

Secretary : Mrs. Chantal Prudent
Tel. : (00 33) 4 78 77 86 88
Email : chantal.prudent@adm.univ-lyon1.fr

Theoretical and Practical

Teaching Unit Table 2008-2009

Semestre 1                                                    Semestre 2

 * Biomaterials                                            * Dental Anatomy
 * Conservative Dentistry * Conservative Dentistry
 * Prosthodontics * Prosthodontics
 * Biochimistry * Head and neck anatomy
 * Dental Histology and histopathology * Biophysics
 * General and dental immunology * Medical imaging
 * General histology
  * Dental Anatomy * General physiology and endocrinology
 * Genetics ans histopatholgy of Dental... * Oro-facial physiology
 * Head and neck embryology
 * Dental embryology        
   * English

  *First Aid Techniques                                 * Beginners workshop on nursing