Certificate in Superior Studies (C.E.S.)
Secretary: Josianne MOUNIEE
Tel.: 00 33 478 77 86 81
Email: josianne.mouniee@sante.univ-lyon1.fr
Certificate in Superior Studies (C.E.S.):
Specific competencies in diverse disciplines can be acquired in the form of a Certificate in Superior Studies. Two groups exist in this certificate: group A and B. To enrol for a Certificate in group B students must have already acquired the Certificate in group A, or its equivalent.
C.E.S. Group A
C.E.S. in Oral Biology
Option anatomo-physiology specialty
Head: Pr. O. ROBIN
Option histology-embryology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology and biophysics
C.E.S. in Material Technology used in the art of dentistry
Objective: The purpose of this certificate is to allow each practionner to acquire a solid base of knowledge in order to choose and use biomaterials in an optimal fashion. All biomaterials are studied, in addition to the investigation methods and metallo-techniques. Several well-known practitioners are invited to speak about their specialty with a clinical approach and where biomaterials benefits from a special explanation.
C.E.S. Group B
C.E.S. in dental prosthetics
Head: Professor G. MALQUARTI
Objective: A study of the anatomical , histological, physiological and technical notions necessary in the fundamental understanding of this discipline according to the official program. Several options are proposed:
Fixed prostheses option.
Head : Dr. S. VIENNOT
Partial adjoint prosthetics option.
Head : Dr. G. VIGUIE
Complete adjoint prosthetics option.
Head : Dr. C. MILLET
Maxillo-facial prosthetics option.
C.E.S. in dento-facial orthopedics
Head: Dr. L. MORGON
Objective: To acquire the fundamental knowledge necessary to perform a diagnosis and prognosis (growth, cephalometry, physiology, imagery, surgery, diagnostic).
C.E.S. Restorative Dentistry
Head: Pr P. FARGE
Objective: To acquire the biological bases of the pulpo-dentin organ necessary to the understanding of therapeutic bases of restorative dentistry.
C.E.S. Periodontology
Head : Dr. B. DURAND
Objective: To study all of the fundamental knowledge (histogenesis, anatomy, histology, physiology) linked to periodental pathologies.
C.E.S. Surgical Odontology
Objective: Look with precision at the knowledge necessary in daily oral medicine and surgery in a dental practice.
C.E.S. Periodental Prevention
Objective: Acquiring the fundamental knowledge and necessary clinics for the understanding of growth and the development of the bucco-dental-maxillo group and prevention. Differentiating pathological from normal; determining the choice of therapy and prevention methods, and incitement to do research in these domains.
Certificate in Clinical Specialities mention Orthodontics (CECSMO)
Head: Dr. J.J. AKNIN
The studies for the C.E.C.S.M.O. last 4 years part-time. At the end of the first trimester of studies an aptitude test, including theoretical and practical parts, allows a certain number of students, which is determined by the availability to host students, to continue to follow courses. These studies are for the most part clinical, with students treating patients starting in the first year.
At the end of the first three years, the students must sit an exam, which includes a theoretical test and a clinical test (clinical files of patients receiving treatment).
Starting in the second year, a thesis topic is chosen by each student. This thesis must include a clinical research part.
At the end of the fourth year, the written exam is at the national level. The tests are judged by a national jury composed of four teachers chosen by the Minister of Upper Education.
One must be admissible to the written test in order to sit the clinical test (patient files whose ODF treatment is finished) and the thesis is judged by a four-member jury, two of whom must be chosen from outside the university delivering the certificate.
All students having obtained the CECSMO may request to be enrolled on the list of Specialists Qualified in Dento-Facial Orthopedics, by promising to exercise exclusively in this specialty. The request is made to the Governing Body of their region.
Diploma of Superior Studies in Oral Surgery (DESCB)
The course program for the diploma in oral surgery is 4 years of intensive part-time studies.
To be authorised to follow this program, an aptitude test is given at the end of December, every two years and includes three written tests on anatomy, physiology and radiological anatomy.
For the first two years, the program covers fundamental material: head and neck anatomy, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, physiology, general and oral diagnosis and therapy.
The practical coursework includes hospital internships in oral surgery, maxillo-facial surgery, oto-rhino-laryngology and neurology departments.
The tests include:
- in first and third year: a theoretical exam and a test on pathology and oral surgery.
- the validation of 3 certificates in human biology
- in the fourth year:
* a national written exam, in two parts. The student must receive an average score on each part.
* a practical exam and oral including an examination of a patient (or of a file) and an oral surgery intervention