D1: First year of the Second Cycle of Dental Studies

Secretary: Mme Chantal PRUDENT
Tel.: (00 33) 4 78 77 86 88
Email : chantal.prudent@adm.univ-lyon1.fr

Theoretical and Practical Courses

Teaching unit table 2008-2009
1st Semester  - 2nd Semester

 * Biomaterials (B.Grosgogeat)
 * Conservative dentistry prosthodontics
     1st Semester (Y. Allard - D. Seux)
 * Conservative Dentistry prosthodontics
     2nd Semester (Y. Allard - D. Seux)
 * Dento-facial orthopaedics
    (M. Raberin - J.J.Aknin)
 * English (B.Schaff)
 * General and Oral infectiologie...(O.Basotti)
 * General and osseous anatomo-pathology
    (C. Ribaux)
 * Hematology (D.Treille-Ritouet)
 * Hystology and Periodontal tissues ..(C.Ribaux)
 * metallic removable prosthodontics 
   1st semester (G.Viguie) 
 * Hygiene (B.Comte)

 * metallic removable prosthodontics
   2ns Semester (G. Viguie)

 * Oncology ( J.P.Fusari)

 *Oral Medicine and surgery (T.Fortin)

 *Pediatric Denstistry (J.J. Morrier)

 *Periodontology (P.Rodier)

 * Pharmacology (Q.Timour)

 *Prevention (D.Bourgeois)

 *Semiology and medical pathology (P.Seve)