Post-University Courses University Diplomas (D.U.)

These are courses proposed to practitioners to gain greater understanding of the specialisa tion. These courses are validated by a diploma delivered by the University Claude Bernard-Lyon 1 and generally last two years.
Conditions of admittance:
To hold a French doctorate in dental sur gery or a foreign doctorate from an E.U. country or one that allows to practice in that country. 

Candidates are selected by an entry test or by application file. The D.U.s are delivered to candidates having satisfied the end of studies tests and having validated their clinical internships.

D.U. Quality insurance
Head: Dr. B. COMTE
Study of the current norms and regulations. Transposition of these elements in the private daily dental practice, in the view of obtaining an Iso certification for the dental practice.

D.U. Paediatric Dentistry
Head: Dr. J.P. DUPREZ
Objective: To provide a complementary training (theoretical, practical and clinical) to French and foreign practitioners interested in Paediatric Dentistry.

D.U. Buccal-Dental Public Health
Objective: Collaborate in the programming and the setting up of actions which promote health at the international level, or in different institutional or social environments.

D.U. Lingual Orthodontics
Head: Dr. J.J. AKNIN- Dr. A. HUET
This course is theoretical, practical (lab work) and clinical (Dental Service)

D.U. Carcinology of upper aero-digestive path ways
Length: 1 year